
Our service times are 9am and 10.45am.  Our 10.45 service is live streamed on our YouTube Channel and through our Facebook page.

We also have a variety of services to mark the Christian Calendar across the year and we will post details in our Calendar.

Praising God through music is a significant part of all our services, when we are able. If you would like to find out more about joining in with our robed choir, singing group or band, whatever your musical style or ability, please contact our Director of Music, Jason Edge, via the Parish Office.
Sunday 9am Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday. 

This is a more traditional service. Our regular choir sing each Sunday and on the first Sunday of each month is augmented to become our ‘Super Choir’ to accompany our fine organ. The third Sunday features Morning Prayer as the first portion of the Communion Service
Sunday 10.45am More informal, mix of traditional hymns and worship songs

Lasting  an hour we start with all-age worship and a mix of traditional hymns and worship songs.

Children and Young People (CYP) leave for their groups about 10-15 minutes in, after the ever-popular Action Song!   They return at the end of the service to show us what they have been doing and thinking and so we all share in the final blessing,
On the third Sunday of each month we celebrate Holy Communion together.

Our band and singing group is always keen to welcome new members.
Joint Services with both congregations At certain times in the year we usually combine our two congregations at a Joint Service at 10am when the whole church family worships and celebrates together.  These are always packed and joyful occasions as everyone enjoys meeting one another.

Services in the community

Being an active part of the community in the Parish is important to us.

We regularly take acts of worship at Care Homes in the Parish, offering Holy Communion to the residents and staff.
Helen, our Team Rector, takes Collective Worship at St Matthew's Primary School each week leads termly services in the Church for the whole school family.  She also visits Shrewsbury House School. 

We hold the annual St George's Day Renewal of Promises service for 1st Tolworth (St Matthew's) and have particularly enjoyed sharing in setting off the Jubilee and Coronation Street Parties with a short service and ringing our the bells.   On a more sombre note St Matthew's was a source of comfort and place for reflection on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and previously for Prince Philip.