Publishing Banns of Marriage  


wedding feet
If you are getting married in a Church of England Church elsewhere by way of the Publication of Banns and you live in our parish you will need us to read your Banns.  Banns have to be read on three consecutive Sundays within three months of your wedding day so it is important to get the timing right.  The statutory fee for reading your Banns (and the certificate which will need to be given to the church at which you are going to be married) is currently  £54.  This usually increases a little each January but we will let you know what the new fee is, if it has increased.  

Couples often like to come along to hear their Banns being read (at least once) and we’ll be delighted to welcome you to the service. We normally read them during our 10.45am service on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday’s of the month and we pray for, your wedding day and your married life together as part of that as well.  

To check that you live in the parish please take a look at  ‘A Church Near You’ and if you do, then fill in the form below and we will be in touch with you as soon as we can.   

Contact Name
Phone number
Additional Info/question
Bride: Full Name
Bride: Surname
Bride: Address
Groom: Full Name
Groom: Surname
Groom: Address
Proposed Wedding date
Place of Wedding

By providing us with this information, you are agreeing that we may store your data and contact you in relation to your enquiry. Your privacy is important to us, we will not use any of the data which you have supplied to us via this form to contact you for any other purpose. You can read St Matthew’s standard Privacy Policy on our website or copies are available from the Parish Office.

By clicking "Send" and submitting this form I confirm that I would like St Matthew’s Church to contact me in relation to my enquiry (and am happy to be contacted via the methods for which I have supplied details).